- Circa - 2008
- Issuer - USPS
- Scott Number - 4341
- Face Value- 42˘ (each)
On July 16, 2008, in Washington, DC,
the Postal Service issue the 42˘ "Take
Me Out to the Ball Game" stamp to
commemorate the 100th anniversary of
the song which became the official
anthem of baseball. “Take Me Out to the
Ball Game,” written in 1908 by Jack
Norworth and Albert Von Tilzer, is the
third-most frequently heard song in
America, behind the national anthem and
Happy Birthday.
The stamp designed by Richard Sheaff, depicts a gloveless 19th century
ballplayer holding a ball, with a game
being played in the background. The 42
face value (cents)appears in a baseball
at the top.
The First Day Cover pictured above is
hand painted, signed and numbered by
sports cachet artist Kendal Bevil,
4/200. It depicts an early 1900s
umpire, catcher, and batter wearing
quilted padding baseball pants. To the
right of a verse of "Take Me Out to The
Ball Game" is an illustration of writer
Jack Norworth. Artist Kendal Bevil, is
one of the most popular cachet makers,
producing first-day covers since 1989.
The First Day Cover below features an artist rendition of
the cover for
"Take Me Out To The Ball game" sheet
music. (visit the link on the
left, for the 1908 and 1927 lyrics) The
FDC features an official "First Day
Issue, Take Me Out To The Ball Game,
July 16, 2008, Washigton, DC, 20066"
pictorial cancellation postmark.
The QCR Creative Covers "Take Me Out To The Ball Game - Perfection!" FDC
below, features Don Larsen's 1956 World
Series Perfect Game. Box Score, Game 5
Yankee Stadium Ticket Stub, and a
picture of Yogi Berra jumping into the
arms of Larsen.
2008 Take Me Out To The
Ballgame FDC & USPS Postage
Stamp |
2008 'Take Me Out To
The Ball Game' Stamp |
QCR Creative Covers
"Take Me Out To The
Ball Game" FDC Don
Larsen World Series
Perfect Game Cachet |